4 surprising conditions Pilates helps treat!


Welcome back to our blog where we aim to educate and inform about all the goodness Kennington and our services have to offer.  This fabulous Friday we would like to let you know about 4 surprising conditions Pilates can help treat and then some real life stories of how it has helped.

Conditions Pilates can help

  1. Hypermobility syndrome
    A multi-system disorder affecting joint flexibility, proprioception (your knowledge of where you are in space) and is associated with anxiety and the fright-fight-flight responses! Pilates retrains movement patterns, muscle initiation and sequencing and improves proprioception to foster a sense of centre and internal stability and calm the nervous system. It creates new neuromuscular connections.


  1.  Pre- Surgery Pilates helps Post Op Rehab
    Studies have shown that pilates can help build flexibility and muscle bulk before you have hip or knee replacement surgery as well as in the initial phase of rehabilitation after joint replacement before your full return to sports.


  1. Muscle Strength in the Elderly
    Pilates based exercises improve dynamic balance, reaction time and muscle strength in the elderly as well as younger people and have been demonstrated to reduce the propensity of falls in older women.


  1. Osteoporosis
    Pilates is recommended by the NHS as part of the recommended approach to managing osteoporosis as it is strength training as well as encouraging endurance, balance and flexibility.


And finally, loads of people use Pilates to get beautifully toned abs. The amazing thing about Pilates’ trained fab abs is that they’re not just for the beach, but for life.


Real Life Pilates Stories from our Reformer Instructors

  • 1-2-1 Reformer Instructor Katie has used Pilates all her life as a professional ballet dancer. Pilates method helped her return to ballet as a stronger dancer with more control of her movement. She believes her practice of Pilates allowed for the longevity of her career and healed her from the injuries doctors deemed as career ending.She is a fully certified STOTT PILATES® Instructor (Level 3 REPs) in all levels of mat and equipment.


  • 1-2-1 Reformer Instructor Amber felt the benefits of Pilates to help her strength and flexibility during her dance training, but developed a commitment to Pilates for healthcare after seeing the positive effects the training had on her mother after a disc herniation and later during recovery from breast cancer.  She is a fully certified STOTT PILATES® Instructor (Level 3 REPs) in all levels of mat and equipment, Injuries and Special Populations, as well as further speciality training including, Osteoporosis and Flexion-free.

If you have any questions relating to this post or others please do not hesitate to contact us or book an appointment please use the form below.


If you’re not sure whether we can help, please give us a call on 020 7735 6813 or email info@kenningtonosteopaths.co.uk