
dealing with addiction

How we can become addicted

For many people, addictions are seen as something that belong to the far extremes of our behaviours. We can often say to ourselves, “I don’t drink everyday, so it’s not a problem” or “I don’t need to buy some new shoes but I want to.” And by themselves, these behaviours may not be particularly worrying. However, when they start to impact on the rest of our lives in negative ways, such as getting into debt to pay for gambling or credit card bills, isolating ourselves through secretive behaviours and depending on drugs and alcohol to manage our emotions, these could signal the need to seek professional help.

These are some of the signs that you might be able to notice in yourself or in a person close to you in the presence of an addiction:

  • Compulsive repeated behaviours (e.g. an inability to stop using a substance, continuing to engage in behaviours that are damaging to your health.
  • Withdraw from friends and family.
  • Secrecy and tendency to lie in order to hide the object of their addiction from others.
  • Taking risks – gambling with money that’s not your own, high-risk activities such as unsafe sex or drinking binges.

How can therapy help you?

Many of these behaviours develop slowly and it can be hard for you to notice that your dependency is increasing. You may also deny to others that you have a problem out of a fear of being shamed or persecuted.
At Kennington Osteopaths, our psychotherapy team offer a non-judgemental space to explore the underlying issues around addiction and help to bring into awareness the unconscious motivations and triggers. Working empathically together, you will be able to understand what function the addiction is serving, identify healthier ways to manage your feelings and take back control over your life and your decisions.


If you’re not sure whether we can help, please give us a call on 020 7735 6813 or email