Our superb reception team is on hand to help you with all bookings and enquiries from 9am-7:30pm (Monday to Friday) and 9am-2pm (Saturdays)
Call 020 7735 6813 or email info@kenningtonosteopaths.co.uk
Service*OsteopathyPhysiotherapyAcupunctureMassagePsychotherapy and CounsellingPersonal TrainingFertility & PregnancyDry NeedlingYogaPilatesReformer PilatesReflexologyOther
PractitionerAndrea RippePietro SusiniAna AguilaLaura WheatleyGuglielmo ‘Gu’ SavergniniJoe DuffYael LoewensteinTiago BrandaoHannah PearnAndrea BartoliniSilene BricetLeanne BowdenUnsure
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