reformer Pilates - exercise after lockdown

Returning to exercise after lockdown

Has exercising, DIY or eating your way through lockdown left you feeling injured or out of shape? You’ve taken up cycling, running, kettlebells and Joe Wicks workouts during lockdown and there’s no doubt that this has been mostly very positive…
Kennington Wunda chair pilates

How does the Wunda Chair work?

The “Wunda” chair really does work “wonders” What is it? Originally designed by Joseph Pilates himself as one of the comprehensive and versatile pieces of pilates equipment. It is basically a box with pedals attached to springs, providing…
Pelvic Girdle Pain in Pregnancy

Pelvic Girdle Pain in Pregnancy

What is Pelvic Girdle Pain? Pelvic girdle pain (PGP) can be an extremely uncomfortable condition that causes acute (brief) or chronic (ongoing) pain in the buttocks, groin, lower back or pubic area. It used to be called SPD (or symphysis pubis…

4 surprising conditions Pilates helps treat!

Welcome back to our blog where we aim to educate and inform about all the goodness Kennington and our services have to offer.  This fabulous Friday we would like to let you know about 4 surprising conditions Pilates can help treat and then…

Pilates for scoliosis, how does it help?

Pilates for scoliosis, how does it help? - by Chrisen Hall Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine. The severity of the curve differs from person to person and scoliosis is very common in the UK and it affects all ages. According…

Osteoporosis – You ARE AT RISK unless you KNOW YOU AREN’T

Osteoporosis - You ARE AT RISK unless you KNOW YOU AREN’T Osteoporosis is really not a fun subject. But it is REALLY important that you think about it now. This has been driven home to me this year in both a personal and a professional…