What is shoulder impingement?
Postural, back, neck and shoulder painAs the word itself suggests an impingement refers to the excessive rubbing or catching of two nearby structures. In the case of shoulder impingement this happens between tendons and bursae (anatomical pads used to absorb the friction while…
An Osteopath’s Guide to (Non-Specific Low Back Pain) AKA Back Strain
Postural, back, neck and shoulder painAndrea, one of our Osteopaths here at the clinic shares her guide to Nslbp (Non-Specific Low Back Pain) AKA Back Strain and what she recommends for recovery.
Shoulder injury related to vaccine administration
Postural, back, neck and shoulder painWhen you have any vaccination, you can expect some side effects. So, what can you do if you are worried you have vaccine-related shoulder pain? Click to find out more.
100-ish tips for working from home – Part 3
Headache, Mental health, Postural, back, neck and shoulder painPart 3. Work setup and environment
A good quality plug-in speaker may improve your ability to hear and be heard on Zoom which helps your posture!
Reduce stress about your dodgy connection by using an ethernet cable instead of a wifi…
100-ish tips for working from home – Part 1
Postural, back, neck and shoulder painPart 1. Seating (or standing) position
Try to create a home office area with an office desk and chair to reduce non-work distractions
Use an office chair with padded back and seat to avoid low back pain and hamstring problems rather…
Are you sitting comfortably?
Postural, back, neck and shoulder painLockdown has been challenging for many but for those working full-time from home there is not only the stress of constant meetings on Zoom but also typing at a computer without a proper desk setup.
Working from home has meant possibly not…
How to treat myofascial trigger points with dry needling
Dry Needling, Massage, Postural, back, neck and shoulder painWhat is a myofascial trigger point
Myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) can affect all of us - whether you sit at your desk for too long, or workout religiously. They are those painful tight bands in your muscle that feel like violin strings -…
Hip pain or back pain?
Postural, back, neck and shoulder painHip pain or back pain? Don't be misled!
Hip joint and lower back are anatomically located very close to one another. Sometimes when we are in pain, it isn't very clear where the source of it actually is and this leads to a misjudgement of what…
Back braces
Postural, back, neck and shoulder painBack braces - a yes or a no?
Osteopaths and physiotherapists come across different conditions causing back pain every day. From serious disc injuries that can be hugely debilitating to milder muscular strains of postural origin. The common…
What is a slipped disc?
Postural, back, neck and shoulder painWhat is a ‘slipped’ disc and what should you do about it?
Discs are 'spacers' between each vertebra to give our spines lots of mobility. They contain a squidgy centre called the nucleus, surrounded by thick fibrous walls. A disc 'bulge'…