Returning to exercise after lockdown
Has exercising, DIY or eating your way through lockdown left you feeling injured or out of shape?
You’ve taken up cycling, running, kettlebells and Joe Wicks workouts during lockdown and there’s no doubt that this has been mostly very positive for your cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and mental health. However, since we reopened in mid-May, it’s clear that you have also incurred numerous sports injuries, from shoulder strains and pain (see our latest blog on shoulder impingement) to Achilles tendonitis, from having to exercise differently and unsupervised.
You’ve also reported back strains, pain and stiffness sustained during both enthusiastic DIY projects and prolonged slouching on the sofa eating your freshly home-made bread and cake while binge-watching box sets.
And finally, those of you who weren’t furloughed have been making do with work setups that really weren’t designed for lengthy periods of Zoom time. You’ve been working on your bed (never sitting up cross-legged and with your back supported by pillows, which would be almost ok), at kitchen tables, on the floor and for lucky people occasionally in your home-made office. But your hours are longer, the work harder and endless Zoom meetings add to the intensity of it all! Hence – lots of upper back, shoulder and neck pain, plus headaches.
I have spent lockdown looking after my baby, largely unassisted and she’s trying but not mastering walking. Hence, I have taken up online Yoga with Adriene–which I have found to be very much more enjoyable than I ever imagined online classes could be. I feel toned and stretched and can fit a class into gaps in my day really easily. However, I’m still very much looking forward to getting back into the studio for a grownup class with others as soon as possible!
Now that gyms are open, we’ve all got the opportunity to do some more formal exercise, but you have reported qualms about going back into gyms, which may be a very valid concern.
We are very pleased to be offering equipment Pilates sessions (reformer and chair) again from July 25th. Equipment Pilates is great for rehabilitating from injuries, building muscle and improving flexibility so is supremely adaptable to both athletes and beginners.
Because we are a clinic and have been working during lockdown, our disinfecting and social distancing systems are very well established and our lovely Pilates instructors, Michelle and Cat Lane, are fully trained on PPE use and safeguarding measures. We know these measures greatly mitigate the risk of spreading the virus within the clinic and that our clients will stay safe while exercising with us.
Our Pilates sessions will be timed at 15-minute intervals to allow the studio to be ventilated (our studio has outdoor windows to facilitate exchange of air recommended by guidelines), and our Pilates equipment will be thoroughly disinfected between clients. Our 1-2-1 and 2-2-1 sessions mean that you have no risk of injury, and build muscle, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness safely and quickly.
If you would like to understand more about how equipment Pilates could help you get back to shape safely after lockdown, give our reception team a call on 02077356813 or contact us via email on