
Surviving Christmas
Mental healthFor many of us, Christmas is a happy and joyous time, enriched by reuniting with family and friends. But for others it can also be very stressful. Surviving Christmas where old patterns in family dynamics emerge, our stress levels rise, and…

What is a counselling assessment?
Mental healthWhat is a counselling or psychotherapy assessment?
Deciding to start counselling or psychotherapy can be a delicate decision to make. As such, it is very important that you find the right therapist for you. A counselling or psychotherapy assessment…

Mental health
How we can become addicted
For many people, addictions are seen as something that belong to the far extremes of our behaviours. We can often say to ourselves, “I don't drink everyday, so it's not a problem” or “I don't need to buy some…

Psychotherapy, Counselling or Talking Therapy?
Mental healthPsychotherapy, counselling or talking therapy?
- by Tiago Brandao
Counselling and Psychotherapy are two of the many names that can be used to refer to different types of “talking therapy”. The idea of using talking therapy was first…